Where do websites get the paparazzi photos from?
Alan Chenkin, Learned about celebrities reading magazines at the supermarket checkout
Paparazzi sell their photos to the highest bidder, unless they are contract photographers (like staff photographers- who generally work for one organization). People with desirable photos on their cell phones can sell them too, AND BE PAPARAZZI – on sites like:
Building Your Paparazzi Business -Amazon Books
(Should you encounter a celebrity, please be polite and ask for a photo opportunity first. Most are happy to oblige, and appreciate some respect, as you are profiting from their fame).
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Do celebrities read every Tweet from people Tweeting @ them?
by Alan Chenkin, Learned about celebrities reading magazines at the supermarket checkout
When the late Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, first tried internet chat rooms, there were already people posing as him and using his name.
This practice is not unique to Twitter; many bad actors have made accounts in famous peoples names, sometimes in misguided adoration, or to pretend they have some connection to the targeted celebrity. Legitimate websites have many issues with this, and celebrities who have not copyrighted their names can have legal issues with removing these frauds. These bogus accounts frequently con people out of real money (Article from UK Daily Mail will open in new window). This is a reason to be especially vigilant on the internet.
Collected from the Internet:
How does Frank Martin in Transporter prevent his spare shirt from creasing in the boot of his car?
I know this may come as a surprise, but – It’s a MOVIE. An act of fiction – a story told in film – It’ s primary goal is to entertain; and the producers frequently take artistic license. The shirt was most likely put in there before he would take it out by an assistant producer. And, I bet there were several “takes”, and they most likely used a few shirts.
What would you tell an actor who is paying more attention to helping children, the Earth, and/or animals than their actual acting career?
(Referring to Alicia Silverstone, and how she left her movie career)
Alicia Silverstone |
Alicia Silverstone was clearly not getting the support and “push” to develop her career further, so she decided to dedicate herself to causes that she found meaningful. If YOU felt that YOU wanted to see more of her presence in films as an actress, YOU could write to her and suggest that she has a fan base that wants to see her in more projects. Don’t expect her to go out and jump into any film roles – she has goals she set for herself. She obviously has the financial means to pursue her goals, and I wish her well in anything she puts her heart and mind to.
Some actors are in desperate pursuit of stardom, and hardly turn down a role. Think of Nicolas Cage, who will do almost any film, and is a hard working actor that delivers a lot of performances that reward him with a large fan base and the compensation to pay his bills and support his causes.
Nicolas Cage |
Conversely, some actors, like Jim Carrey (as an example) want to be taken seriously as a dramatic actor, and tried so hard he failed miserably; His fans wanted to see the crazy Jim Carrey doing his comedic schtick, and did not care for his dramatic turn. The fans felt dissapointed, and didn’t go to his serious films.
Jim Carrey |
There are many times I wonder why someone was cast in a role that did not showcase their talents, or watch wonderful and creative actors perform in a few roles and then drop out of sight. Many actors and actresses succumb to mental illness and addiction.
30 Famous Actors and Actresses Who Have Battled Drug Addiction and Alcoholism – Drug abuse
Hollywood Battles The Stigma Of Mental Illness – Forbes
While we may adore performers who excel in their work – yet are not driven or fulfilled, it is incumbent upon us as fans to let them pursue their careers in and out of performing.
I would advise such actors to follow their path – as a fan I will enjoy their successes, even if it is not my vision for their careers. And if it just happens to be “helping children, the Earth, and/or animals” ? – I say Wonderful! We need more visible, vocal, and motivating voices for these causes.
‘No Man Stands So Tall as When He Stoops to Help a Child.’” – originally attributed to Abraham Lincoln, but there is no record of him actually saying it.
Oprah Winfrey funded an orphanage in South Africa – When it wa involved in scandal, Oprah and her team came in and she personally got involved in helping the children. The Education Of Oprah Winfrey: How She Saved Her South African School – Forbes
Leonardo DiCaprio on Climate Change; he also started The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation., with $20 million of his own money.
How can a young person launch their acting career?
#1 Rule: Don’t stop. If you don’t build momentum and drive, your acting career (no matter how talented you are) will falter.
How do so many Hollywood actors have so much hair, even when they are older?
Many Hollywood actors benefit from having good genes, which helps hair retention as they age. But not all are the winners of a genetic lottery, many need help.
Telly Savalas “We are all born bald, baby”
LL Cool J – Rapper, TV Star |
Bald Facts Leave No Doubt That Hair Just Isn’t Worth It – Chicago Tribune
Happy Healthy Hair: Hair growth and regrowth techniques for both men and women – available on Amazon
On your journey, as you assess your image and hair – or lack thereof – stay focused on the image you project, and refine it to make your visage unique and castable. Even if you only have bit parts as a character actor, own it, make it you.
I am currently living in Ireland and I really love acting. Would it be possible to get a manager from America for acting?
If I want to start a big movie how can I go about contacting famous actors?
To start a big movie you need BIG MONEY, and some Hollywood Smarts.
Big budgets attract Agents, Studios, Wannabees, and gets you known, regardless of your level of talent or experience in movie production. It may be smarter to find some unknowns and cast them. You will save millions (not to mention the drama associated with big stars). Sometimes you need big stars to make a movie that has a bad script – just to get people to see it. I hope that is not your situation.
Consider this article Where Stars Matter The Most And Where They Don’t – from Rodriguez law. And How to Land Big Name Talent in Your Indie Film – from Premium Beat.
Before I would start any casting, I would need a script and a budget. If the initial reads were good, I would have my publicist start letting all of Hollywood know that the project is funded and will be casting soon. “Did you hear that Alan Chenkin’s new film just got funded, and I heard the location scouts were lining up locations for the production? It’s all very hush-hush.” Or something along those lines. A good publicist knows what to do, and the Buzz will be growing as you ramp up. Take a look at Reaching for the Stars: How to Get a “Name” Actor in Your Film – MovieMaker Magazine.
Of course, if you have very deep pockets, you can make a movie that highlights the talents of a group of actors that have a known draw – but keep in mind they know you need them, and will barter their participation for creative control; concessions, more money, and more residuals. Be prepared to fight to keep any profit you make – big stars command upwards of $20 million a film.
Of course you can hire me and my production team to map out a timeline for your project and start lining up scripts and talent – that way you can focus on the “Big Picture”. Have your people call my people. Break a leg!
Sandra Bullock – America’s Sweetheart and Bona-fide Movie star.
Movie Stars on eBay
Will we ever have a president as short as Martin Sheen was in The West Wing in reality?
Martin Sheen is 5′7″ in height.
He would be taller than 7 of the past US Presidents.
Being a fan of the West Wing series, I would hope we have a president like Martin Sheen as Josiah Bartlett.
I would like to believe that Character, the ability to lead, and the capability to carry out the responsibilities of the office of president are not a factor of height, or the NBA would be running the USA.