Is it possible for a foreigner to get a role in a Hollywood movie through a video audition without a work visa or green card?
Is it possible? YES. Is it Easy? NO.
Video (Youtube, instagram, facebook, etc.) allows our images and talent to cover the world. The first part of your question should be, “what skills that I may possess will be attractive to a producer, that I can demonstrate competently over the internet”? (And keep asking yourself that, and be grateful for your supporters and followers).
For the “how to do it” part, you have to develop your acting chops, promote yourself, make videos, make a “demo reel”, and put yourself out there. Also get traditional headshots (8×10 photographs). Consider emailing headshots and your resume to casting agents for review.
How To Audition On Camera: A Hollywood Insider’s Guide for Actors
If you have the means, schedule a trip and make appointments with agents, casting directors, and anyone who will meet with you, etc., and FOLLOW UP! Send thank you notes, etc.
How To Audition Internationally – Backstage
How can foreign actors work in the U.S.? • r/acting – Reddit Forum
Some rules may be changing, due to politics, but ambition and talent can transcend borders and make friends, fans, and admirers worldwide!
Break a leg! (Laudatory actors salutation)
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Is an actors’ public persona reliable? Authentic?
Which actor do you like more, Eddie Redmayne or Benedict Cumberbatch?
Average: $57,145,805
Opening Gross Average (4): $32,065,139 (Wide Releases Only) [1]
Average: $97,348,626
Opening Gross Average (10): $35,312,224 (Wide Releases Only)[2]
Why are the Kardashians so popular? Why are people obsessed with the Kardashians?
Alan Chenkin, Learned about celebrities reading magazines at the supermarket checkout
If Johnny Depp showed up at your door confused and asking for directions, how would you respond?
Let me ask you –
What if you showed up at his house?
Why does Michelle Pfeiffer have to be so picky with her roles or what projects she wants to take part in?
In Hollywood, you are as good as your last role.
If your last role was a dog, or even if the film was not well received, your career can nosedive.
In addition, what you read about what roles she was considering may be the creation of her agent’s PR firm, to keep her brand in the news.
Michelle Pfeiffer turned down a string of known films that included: Casino, Mamma Mia, Evita, The Grifters, Basic Instinct, The Silence of the Lambs, Original Sin, Dick Tracy, Bugsy, Thelma and Louise, Casino Royale, A Prairie Home Companion, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Double Jeopardy, Catwoman, Pretty Woman, Chicago, Working Girl, Mystic River, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Against the Ropes, The Blue Lagoon, To Die For, Pulp Fiction, Lorenzo’s Oil, Still Alice, Adventures in Babysitting, Batman, Under The Tuscan Sun, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Agents and producers also consider box office draw, which governs movie budgets and casting choices. Some actors will take almost any role, just to “keep working”. This is not always the best strategy, but it does create some prolific actors. Other actors specialize in quirky roles, while Michelle Pfeiffer seems to pick roles that fit with her career direction, and has a sizable body of work.
I hope we will see Ms. Pfeiffer in many more roles!
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