Burning Man, the annual festival in the Nevada desert, attracts many people – known as “Burners”. In the past, Celebrities have made the pilgrimage to see the man burn.

While some celebrities quietly attend the festival, others treat it as a media experience. Movie star Susan Sarandon stayed in a celebrity camp at Burning Man in 2015. Her visit was showcased in This Insider.
Susan Sarandon is a fan of Burning Man
Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, and Mark Zuckerberg erect fancy luxury camps in advance, many others arrive to the playa with no plan and pitch their tents where they find space.
There is even a concierge service, to provide elite burners services and facilities above and beyond what mere attendees are offered. See the website, Burners.me .
Google maps created the unofficial 2018 map of Burning man.
Among attendees in the past, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Diplo, Katy Perry, an assortment of Victoria’s secret models (Sara Sampaio goes every year), Leonardo DiCaprio, and many others. Burning man requires some preparation, and burners need to bring a weeks worth of food, bottled water, funky and practical clothes, Goggles, face masks (for dust storms), and items for giving and exchanging. Diplo comes in a huge “Art Car”. If you are not handy, you can buy Burning man outfits on Amazon and eBay.
Here is the wikipedia entry on Burning man.
Books and memorabilia from burning man, on eBay.
Getting around the Playa is done by foot, tricked out bicycle, and Art cars, which are the only vehicles allowed. (RV’s and cars are parked for the entire week).
If you are a Burner or just fascinated with Burning Man, take note of who attends – This may be one of the coolest festivals on the Planet!
IF you are reading this after attending burning man, please attend a “decompression event”. Note this article from the NY Post.
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