Who are the most overpaid actors in Hollywood?

While there are subjective opinions on who the most over paid actors are, the one metric that is most telling is how the box office take relates to the actors pay. This separates the highly paid actor with good box office from the overpaid actor producing poor box office numbers.
Forbes has done some really good work on this:

This 2016 list does not mean that these actors were overpaid in prior years; Forbes measures it year-by-year. Some actors have a few great years, then get cast in stinker roles that diminish their box office draw, and reduce their value to the profitability of the picture. It does not mean they are “bad” actors, just not bringing in more dollars than they cost.

The real question is WHY? why do these overpaid actors keep getting work? I found some websites that attempt to answer this very question, on a “case by case” basis:
It also has to do with How Movie Stars Get Paid – Gawker

We can clearly see how actors salaries are a clear metric we can use in determining their value at the box office, and “overpaid” can be more than just an opinion, it comes with measurable numbers behind it.

These guys may have the last laugh:

The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis.” ―Marlon Brando -(Source/Notes: Marlon Brando: The Only Contender, Gary Carey (1985), Ch.13)

Here’s hoping your acting career has you laughing all the way to the bank!

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NOTE:  This is not a “dig” against your personal favorite movie star or film, it is just a way to determine if an actor is overpaid by comparing their salary to the box office.  I am a fan of most of these actors and wish they will be off this list too!


Universal Basic Income – Amazon Books

Universal Basic Income – Through MannaBase – Free Money by referral link

Do A-list celebrities still need to audition for roles?

They do, but money is often involved.
A studio may offer specific actors to a producer, based on their known draw. For example, a producer may be told that if you get actor A, we will give you 20 million dollars in production dollars. If you choose Actor B, you may only get 5 million dollars. That is for the A-list stars, who always bring a big audience and large ticket sales just by showing up!
It is up to the producer and director to determine if actor A or B is “right” for the role, so their production will be first class, rather than just a showcase for A-List talent. Keep in mind, even a great actor can’t save a bad script, even if the studios support that decision with production dollars. And a good actor doesn’t want mediocre roles, jsut because they have a strong fanbase at the box office.
A listers have to compete by auditioning when they are up against other a-list actors – especially when the production has a well-known director and a good story to tell.
All the rest of the cast need to audition or have the right age/look/experience/etc. to perform in each role.
From the Web:
If you want to get auditions: 375+ Movie Producers, Studios, TV Production Contacts on Preprinted Mailing Labels Los Angeles Updated DailyTake a shot at becoming A-list and market yourself to Hollywood!
The reality is, Actors audition for roles ALL THE TIME.  If your last blockbuster was a big-budget FLOP, you have to work even harder.  There is a long list of former A-list  stars.
No matter what, Enjoy the Show!
Thank you for reading my blog!  Feel free to share! (Even with B, C, and D list actors)!
The Last Word:

Are actors’ husband’s/wives typically ok with them kissing being intimate with another person, and why?

I dated an actress, and she kissed people on the set as part of her JOB. 

I hope she enjoyed it, as she had to make it believable and passionate (if the director called for it).

She was an A-list SAG actress, in demand for movies and TV; she had to be comfortable hugging, kissing, being zipped into a body bag (dead hooker role for a police show), and had lines professing eternal love for other men. If I were a jealous guy, I would be a basket case from knowing that – but I am a modern man of the new millennia, and secure enough to know that this is her livelihood and her profession. It would be wrong for me to be petulant and harmful to her career.

Are actors wives comfortable with kissing scenes on set? I would hope so. Actors have to make the audience believe in their role, and a “head trip” from a jealous spouse would make it difficult to do the job, cause even more kissing – by needing extensive re-takes, and possibly cost them future work. the actor they are kissing may also have a jealous spouse, making it even more difficult. Imagine if their co-star mentioned in an interview what a terrible kisser he/she was; once it’s on the internet it never goes away…

FYI, I am available for kissing roles and coaching kissing. I will also be funding a startup for overcoming osculatory jealousy – donate on my gofundme page. (That’s a joke, I don’t have a gofundme page, but I would gladly take cash or bitcoin for the cause).

Hoping your kissing is world class,


More reading on the subject:

5 Truths about being Married to an Actor – Hello Gorgeous by Angela Lanter

When It’s Your Husband’s Job to Kiss Another Woman | Babble

Oh – and if you are jealous and your SO has to kiss people on their job, I suggest “How to Not Be Jealous: Ways to Deal With, Overcome and Stop Relationship Jealousy (Stop Being Insecure And Jealous Book 1)– From Amazon Books.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts – Please share if you enjoyed it, or know anyone who has a significant other in the kissing, er, acting business!

Kissing, anyone?



How much money are Hollywood actors paid?

Actors are usually paid Union scale, sometimes more (if you have a good agent) and sometimes less (non-union work). Well-known actors may also be compensated based on their draw (fanbase and box-office numbers).  

Here is some 2017 reporting on actor salaries:

Hollywood’s Salary Report 2017: Movie Stars to Makeup Artists to Boom Operators – Hollywood Reporter

Full List: The World’s Highest-Paid Actors And Actresses 2017 – Forbes

Hollywood’s 14 Highest-Paid Actors All Make More than Its Highest-Paid Actress – Vanity Fair

Not every actor is making $20 million per movie – casts can be large and even background actors make something; Unknowns will often act for free just to build their body of work and get exposure.  Money is just one of the ways we can measure success in the quest for fame!
Here’s hoping my actor friends monetize their careers and enjoy great success, on and off the big screen, – Alan
Thanks for reading – Feel free to share with your actor friends!


Does an actor need a social media presence in order to make it in Hollywood today?

Not everyone in Hollywood needs or desires Social Media, but it has become a legitimate place for actors and actresses to promote themselves and increase their Fan-Base.

Here is some worthy internet reading:

The DOs and 1 Major DON’T of Social Media for Actors – Backstage

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Actors | Marketing for Actors – Stage Milk

How Aspiring Actors Can Use Social Media to Their Advantage – Social Life Style Mag

What Social Media Does an Actor Need? – Backstage

And just when you thought your social media stars are really listing, That’s not a celebrity you’re following on Twitter, it’s an assistant – The Verge

Even more distressing (to me, at least), is this article from Vice:
Meet the People Pretending to Be Celebrities on Social Media – Vice

Enjoy the Show!

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Liam Neeson’s speech in the Movie “Taken”

This is a chilling, calmly and deliberately delivered speech, by Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills:

Bryan Mills: I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Marko: [after a long pause] Good luck.

Things don’t go well for Marko:

As you can see, I am a fan.  Taken is a serious “Dad” taking revenge to rescue his daughter movie, and Mr. Neeson is a Badass and capable actor.  He also has an extensive filmography, including Taken, Taken 2, and Taken 3.

Apart from being cast in these strong roles, I imagine Mr. Neeson is a disciplined actor, and a jovial friend.  Here’s to Liam Neeson, formidable actor!

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